This Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is provided for public comment in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the President’s Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) NEPA Regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] §§1500-1508), and 32 CFR §989, Environmental Impact Analysis Process (EIAP).
The EIAP provides an opportunity for public input on Air Force decision-making, allows the public to offer inputs on alternative ways for the Air Force to accomplish what it is proposing, and solicits comments on the Air Force’s analysis of environmental effects.
Public commenting allows the Air Force to make better, informed decisions. Letters or other written or oral comments provided may be published in the EIS. As required by law, comments provided will be addressed in the EIS and made available to the public. Providing personal information is voluntary. Any personal information provided will be used only to identify your desire to make a statement during the public comment portion of any public meetings or hearings or to fulfill requests for copies of the EIS or associated documents. Private addresses will be compiled to develop a mailing list for those requesting copies of the EIS. However, only the names of the individuals making comments and specific comments will be disclosed. Personal home addresses and phone numbers will not be published in the Final EIS.