Public Hearings
Note: The B-21 MOB 1 EIS was completed in 2021 and the information provided here is for historical reference only.

B-21 Main Operating Base 1 Beddown EIS - Public Hearings
The Air Force invites interested members of the public to attend a virtual public hearing to learn about, and comment on, the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Air Force's Proposal for the B-21 Main Operating Base (MOB) 1 Beddown at Dyess AFB or Ellsworth AFB.

Public hearings provide an opportunity for community-specific input as the Air Force gathers public comments on the findings of the environmental analysis addressed in the Draft EIS.

In compliance with the Centers for Disease Control best practices to contain the spread of COVID-19, the Air Force has decided to host four virtual public hearings (see schedule below) to allow members of the public to learn about the project and provide verbal public comments. The virtual hearings will provide an overview of the Draft EIS, including a description of the project’s alternatives and the associated potential environmental impacts.

During the virtual hearings, the Air Force will exhibit a presentation (approximately 30 minutes) about the proposed B-21 MOB 1 Beddown and the Draft EIS, followed by a formal public comment session.

Individuals and organizations desiring to provide verbal comments on the Draft EIS during the virtual hearing will be allotted two to three (2 to 3) minutes to provide testimony/comment (see Verbal Testimony/Comment).

If you are unable to attend a public hearing, would like a mailed hard copy of the Public Hearing Materials, or need additional information please see Information Requests and Comment Submittal.

Dates, Times, and Access Information for the Virtual Hearings

The Air Force will hold four virtual hearings on the dates and at the times listed below. Registration to attend a hearing or to make verbal comments will be available on this page two weeks prior each virtual hearing.

Connecting to the public hearings via the internet using Zoom is recommended (click here for directions on connecting – updated 10/11/2020). For optimal viewing of the Zoom presentation, please connect directly to the Internet (without VPN). For individuals who cannot access the internet or have a poor internet connection, a toll-free telephone number is also provided. Please note that audio may not be in sync if you are using more than one device. If you experience difficulty with your internet connectivity at any point during this hearing, you can call the number listed and hear the proceedings.

Location Date and Time* Registration Virtual Hearing Link
and Phone Number
(available 30 minutes prior to start of hearing)**
Dyess AFB Tuesday, October 13, 2020
5:30–7:30 p.m. (Central Time)
Click here to register All four virtual public hearings will use the same Zoom link and phone number.

Virtual Hearing Zoom Link

Zoom Link:
Passcode: B212020 (case-sensitive)

Virtual Hearing Phone Number

Phone Number: 1-877-853-5247
Meeting ID: 813 4560 9980
Meeting Password: 0903275
Thursday, October 15, 2020
5:30–7:30 p.m. (Central Time)
Click here to register
Ellsworth AFB Tuesday, October 20, 2020
5:30–7:30 p.m. (Mountain Time)
Click here to register
Thursday, October 22, 2020
5:30–7:30 p.m. (Mountain Time)
Click here to register
  *The same content will be presented at each virtual hearing.
**Verbal comments will be accepted whether you are connected via Zoom or by phone. Only one method of connection is needed, unless you are experiencing technical difficulties with audio while connected to Zoom.
Verbal Testimony/Comment

Those interested in offering verbal comments about the Draft EIS analysis during a virtual hearing can do so in several ways:

  • Pre-register to make a public comment by clicking on the registration link located in the table above.
  • Up to 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of the hearing, or during the hearing until the formal comment session concludes, you can contact the Hearing Facilitator by:
  • Using the ‘Raise Hand’ function in Zoom
  • Via private chat to the meeting host using the ‘Chat’ function in Zoom
  • Pressing *9 to raise your hand from your telephone if you have called into the hearing

Your input is valuable and assists the Air Force in making better-informed decisions.

Information Requests and Comment Submittal

If you need to request accommodation to access the audio portion of the presentation or need additional accommodation to make a telephone comment (per the Americans with Disabilities Act), please submit your request here, no later than one week prior to the hearing date.

To request a hardcopy of the Public Hearing materials below, please submit your request here. These materials are also available to download:

To be added to the mailing list to be notified when the Final EIS will be released and/or to request a copy of the Draft and/or Final EIS, please click here.

To submit comments on the B-21 MOB 1 EIS proposal, please click here. The comment period for inclusion in the Final EIS ends November 9, 2020.